Projektni partnerji

RIC Novo mesto

Development and Education Centre Novo mesto


RIC Novo mesto je center za izobraževanje odraslih z več kot 60 leti izkušenj. Naša organizacija je bila ustanovljena kot javno pravno telo s strani Mestne občine Novo mesto, največjega mesta na jugovzhodu Slovenije. Trenutno zaposlujemo 17 ljudi in sodelujemo z več kot 130 rednimi zunanjimi strokovnjaki, učitelji, mentorji in raziskovalci. Razvijamo in izvajamo inovativne programe formalnega in neformalnega izobraževanja ter nudimo svetovalne storitve za različne ciljne skupine: splošno javnost, prebivalce podeželskih območij, osebe s posebnimi potrebami, mlade odrasle, brezposelne, starejše, romsko prebivalstvo, priseljence, zapornike, zaposlene pri iskanju novih izobraževanj in usposabljanj, itd.

Kot javni organ tesno sodelujemo s široko mrežo lokalnih, regionalnih in nacionalnih partnerjev, kot so občine, ministrstva, razvojne agencije, gospodarske zbornice, obrtno-podjetniške zbornice, druge organizacije za izobraževanje odraslih, osnovne in srednje šole, visokošolski zavodi in fakultete, nevladne organizacije, podjetja, itd. Na podlagi našega projektnega dela sodelujemo z obsežno mrežo mednarodnih partnerjev.

RIC Novo mesto si prizadeva za kakovostno izvajanje v vseh področjih našega dela. Pridobljeni certifikati, pečati in druga dokumentacija predstavljajo priznanje in potrditev, da smo že dosegli nekatere naše cilje in da smo na pravi poti. Imamo certifikat ISO 9001:2008 (ISO 9001:2015), ki je mednarodno priznani standard kakovosti, izdan s strani mednarodne organizacije ISO (International Standard Organization). V okviru Svetovalnega centra Novo mesto (pod nadzorom Andragoškega centra Slovenije) smo razvili sistem kakovosti – okvir za ocenjevanje kakovosti in razvoj kakovosti v svetovalnih centrih za izobraževanje odraslih.

Oznake: Odrasli | Doživljenjsko učenje | Podpora in svetovanje | Starejši | Izobraževanje in usposabljanje | Mladina

Development and education centre Novo mesto
Topliška cesta 2, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia

@: ric@ric-nm


PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l.

PRISM is a non-for-profit Social Enterprise with the mission to create equal opportunities for the responsive progress of societies, communities and people – acting as a qualified development agent, since 2012, with its operational seat in the city of Palermo and its registered office in Enna, Italy. PRISM represents a co-planning hub, open to public and private actors, for the elaboration of tailored development strategies and interventions, aimed at valorising diversity and sharing the social, cultural and economic resources of local communities, from an international perspective. PRISM annually assesses its social impact, by evaluating all forms of significant change experienced by individuals and communities, following their involvement in our activities as “co-experts”. The impact considers the enhancement of income and the level of integration in the labour market, innovations in the field of education, social inclusion and relationship changes, the effects on physical and mental health and the general impact on quality of life and well-being. Since 2015, PRISM is enrolled in the Italian National Register of Research Institutions (Anagrafe Nazionale delle Ricerche) of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) with the code 000241_ETER. The main areas of intervention, contributing to increased social impact are: Entrepreneurship and Employability Raising human development and socio-professional integration, while strengthening the European economic area to stimulate self-employment initiatives and empowering, up-skilling and re-skilling human resources and efficiency systems. Research, Innovation and new technologies Increasing and enhancing the quality, vitality and creativity of responsive and responsible European action- research, pursuing context related societal functions – planning and promoting solutions and shared interventions. Social Cohesion, Equity and Equality Exploiting empowerment measures in social, economic and educational contexts – seeking to equalize opportunities, for an inclusive and accessible society for all, based on human rights and gender equality. Local Development and Sustainability Promoting the exchange of good practices towards a sustainable and shared development model of interventions and services aimed at safeguarding and improving the conditions of the local environments and the prudent and rational use of natural resources. International Cooperation, Mobility and Youth Improving cross-sectorial and transnational transfer of knowledge and expertise for inclusiveness management and societal awareness, to explore integrated and structured strategies for smart, sustainable and inclusive global growth. TAGs: Adults | Digitalisation | Entrepreneurship | Green & Blue economy | Inclusion | Migration | Vulnerabilities | Youth


Piazza Giuseppe Verdi 6, 90138 Palermo, Italy 
Via Falautano (Palazzo Grimaldi), 94100 Enna, Italy 
Tax Code 92057680859 ∙ VAT 01284840863

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